Velvety malachite from DRCongo Ref469.
Velvety malachite from DRCongo Ref469.

Velvety malachite RDC Ref469

Minerals from DR Congo.

Delivery: France 48h / International D+3 to D+8


Velvety malachite from DR Congo in 2023.

Dimensions: 63mm x 51mm x H: 38mm.

Weight with acrylic base: 193g.

Malachite is a basic copper carbonate (Cu₂CO₃(OH)₂).

Crystal system: monoclinic (The monoclinic system is a crystal structure where the atoms form a slightly tilted box, with two right angles and one tilted angle).

Hardness: 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale.

Density: approx. 4.

The etymology of the name “malachite” comes from the ancient Greek “malakhē” (μαλάχη), meaning “purple”, in reference to the green color of the leaves of the common mallow plant (Malva sylvestris). The resemblance between the green hue of this plant and that of the mineral inspired the name.

Other interpretations suggest that the word “malachite” may also derive from “malakos” (μαλακός), which means “soft” or “tender” in Greek.

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